CHAP. 17. (10.)—MACEDONIA.
Macedonia comes next, including 150 nations, and renowned for its
two kings[1] and its former empire over the
world; it was formerly known by the name of Emathia[2].
Stretching away towards the nations of Epirus on the west
it lies at the back of Magnesia and Thessaly, being itself
exposed to the attacks of the Dardani[3]. Pæonia and Pelagonia protect its northern parts from the Triballi[4]. Its
towns are Ægiæ[5], at which place its kings were usually
buried, Beræa[6], and, in the country called Pieria from the
grove of that name, Æginium[7]. Upon the coast are
Heraclea[8], the river Apilas[9], the towns of
Pydna[10] and Aloros[11],
and the river Haliacmon[12]. In the interior are the Aloritæ[13],
the Vallæi[14], the Ph1lylacæi, the Cyrrhestæ[15],
the Tyrissæi,
the colony of Pella[16], and Stobi[17], a town with the rights of
Roman citizens. Next comes Antigonea[18], Europus[19] upon
the river Axius, and another place of the same name by
which the Rhœmdias flows, Scydra, Eordæa, Mieza, and Gordyniæ.
Then, upon the coast, Ichne[20], and the river Axius:
along this frontier the Dardani, the Treres[21], and the Pieres,
border on Macedonia. Leaving this river, there are the
nations of Pæonia[22], the Paroræi[23], the
Eordenses[24], the Almopii[25], the Pelagones, and the
Next come the mountains of Rhodope, Scopius, and Orbelus; and, lying along the extent of country in front of these
mountains, the Arethusii[27], the Antiochienses[28], the Idomenenses[29], the Doberi[30], the Æstræenses, the Allantenses, the
Audaristenses, the Morylli, the Garesci[31], the Lyncestæ[32], the
Othryonei[33], and the Amantini[34] and Orestæ[35],
both of them
free peoples; the colonies of Bullis[36] and Dium[37], the Xylopolitæ, the Scotussæi, a free people, Heraclea Sintica[38], the
Tymphæi[39], and the Toronæi.
Upon the coast of the Macedonian Gulf there are the
town of Chalastra[40], and, more inland, Piloros; also Lete,
and at the extreme bend of the Gulf, Thessalonica[41], a free
city; (from this place to Dyrrhachium it is 245 miles[42],)
and then Thermæ[43]. Upon the Gulf[44] of Thermæ are the
towns of Dicæa, Pydna[45], Derra, Scione[46], the Promontory of
Canastræum[47], and the towns of Pallene[48] and Phlegra. In this
region also are the mountains Hypsizorus, Epitus, Halcyone,
and Leoomne; the towns of Nyssos[49], Phryxelon, Mendæ, and
what was formerly Potidæa[50] on the isthmus of Pallene, but
now the Colony of Cassandria; Anthemus[51], Olophyxus[52], and
the Gulf of Mecyberna[53]; the towns of Miscella, Ampelos[54],
Torone[55], Singos[56], and the canal, a mile and a half in length,
by means of which Xerxes, king of the Persians, cut off Mount
Athos[57] from the main land. This mountain projects from
the level plain of the adjacent country into the sea, a distance
of seventy-five[58] miles; its circumference at its base being 150
miles in extent. There was formerly upon its summit the
town of Acroathon[59]: the present towns are Uranopolis[60],
Palæorium, Thyssus, Cleonæ[61], and Apollonia, the inhabitants
of which have the surname of Macrobii[62]. The town also of
Cassera, and then the other side of the Isthmus, after which
come Acanthus[63], Stagira[64], Sithone[65],
Heraclea[66], and the country of Mygdonia that lies below, in
which are situate, at some
distance from the sea, Apollonia[67] and Arethusa. Again, upon
the coast we have Posidium[68], and the bay with the town of
Cermorus, Amphipolis[69], a free town, and the nation of the
Bisaltæ. We then come to the river Strymon[70] which takes
its rise in Mount Hæmus[71] and forms the boundary of Macedonia: it is worthy of remark that it first discharges itself
into seven lakes before it proceeds onward in its course.
Such is Macedonia, which was once the mistress of the
world, which once extended[72] her career over Asia, Armenia,
Iberia, Albania, Cappadocia, Syria, Egypt, Taurus, and Caucasus, which reduced the whole of the East under her power,
and triumphed over the Bactri, the Medes, and the Persians.
She too it was who proved the conqueror of India, thus
treading in the footsteps of Father Liber[73] and of Hercules;
and this is that same Macedonia, of which our own general
Paulus Æmilius sold to pillage seventy-two[74] cities in one day.
So great the difference in her lot resulting from the actions
of two[75] individuals!
1. Philip, the Conqueror of Greece, and Alexander, the Conqueror of
2. The original Emathia, as mentioned by Homer, is coupled with
Pieria as lying between the Hellenic cities of Thessaly and Pæonia, and
3. A tribe of the south-west of Mœsia, and extending over a part of
Illyricum. According to Strabo, they were a wild race, of filthy habits,
living in caves under dunghills, but fond of music.
4. A people of Mœsia, mentioned in C. 29 of the last Book.
5. Supposed by some writers to be the same place as Edessa. Ansart
says it is the spot now known as Moglena.
6. Now Verria in Roumeia. St. Paul and Silas withdrew to this place
from Thessalonica. The remains are very considerable.
7. Described by Livy as of great strength. It occupied the site of the
modern Stagus.
8. Surnamed Lyncestis; the chief town of Upper Macedonia. It must
have stood not far from the modern town of Felurina.
9. Now the Platamona.
10. Now Kitron. The Romans usually called it Citron or Citrus.
11. In the inmost recess of the Thermaic Gulf. Leake supposes it to
have occupied the site of the present Palea Khora, near Kapsokhori.
12. Now the Vistritza, by the Turks called Inje-Karra. Cæsar calls it
the boundary between Macedonia and Thessaly.
13. The people apparently of Aloros just mentioned.
14. Vallæ and Phylacæ appear to have been two towns of Pieria.
15. The people of Cyrrhus; probably on the site of the present
Vistritza. Leake however makes a place called Paleokastro to occupy its
site. Tyrissæ was probably in its vicinity.
16. Now Alaklisi, upon a lake formed by the Lydias. Philip made it
the capital of Macedonia, and it was the birth-place of Alexander the
Great. It was made a Roman colony under the name of Julia Augusta
17. Its ruins are still called Stoli.
18. There were two places of this name in Macedonia; one called
Antigonia Psaphara in Chalcidice, and the other in Pæonia.
19. Between Idomene and the plains of Pella. As Pliny here says, it
was a different place from Europus of Almopia, by which the Rhœdias
flows. Of the following places nothing seems to be known.
20. Coupled by Herodotus with Pella. Eordæa seems to have been the
name of the district on the river Eordaicus, identified with the modern
21. They dwelt in the vicinity of Mount Scomium. The river Axius is
the modern Vardhari.
22. Or Thrace.
23. People of Paroræa in Thrace.
24. The people probably of Eordæa, already mentioned.
25. Leake thinks that Almopia was the name of the district now called
26. The Mygdones were a Thracian people in the east of Macedonia, on
the Thermaic Gulf.
27. The people of Arethusa, a town of Bisaltia in Macedonia, in the pass
of Aulon. Euripides, the tragic poet, was buried here.
28. A town of Mygdonia.
29. The people of Idomene, a town about twelve miles from the pass of
Stena, now Demirkapi, or the 'Iron Gate,' on the river Vardhari.
30. Their district of Doberus is supposed to have been near the modern
31. It has been suggested that Garescus stood on the same site as the
modern Nurocopo. Many of these peoples are now entirely unknown.
32. The people of Lyncestis, in Macedonia, of Illyrian origin and on the
frontiers of Illyria. Lyncus was the ancient capital, Heraclæa the more
modern one.
33. Probably the inhabitants of the slopes of Mount Othrys.
34. Amantia was properly in Illyria, to the south of the river Aoüs.
Leake places it at Nivitza.
35. A people of the north of Epirus, on the borders of Macedonia. They
were said to have derived their name from Orestes, who, after the murder
of his mother, founded in their territory the town of Argos Oresticum.
36. A Greek city of Illyria. Dr. Holland discovered its remains at
Graditza on the Aoüs or Viosa.
37. The bulwark of the Macedonian maritime frontier to the south.
Leake discovered its site near the modern Malathria.
38. On the right bank of the river Strymon in Thracian Macedonia. It
stood on the site of the modern Zervokhori.
39. A people of Epirus on the borders of Thessaly.
40. In Mygdonia, at the mouth of the Axius—King Perseus put all its
male inhabitants to death. Its site was at or near the modern Kulakia.
41. Now Saloniki. Its original name was Thermæ, but it was first made
an important city by Cassander, B.C. 315, who gave it its new name in
honour of his wife, the sister of Alexander the Great: S, Paul visited it
about A.D. 53, and two years after addressed from Corinth two Epistles
to his converts in the city.
42. Polybius says, in Strabo, B. vii., 267 miles.
43. As already mentioned, Thermæ became merged in Thessalonica, when
refounded by Cassander under that name.
44. Now the Gulf of Saloniki.
45. This is probably an error. Pydna, already mentioned, lay far inland
in the district of Pieria.
46. On the peninsula of Pallene. Its male inhabitants were put to death
by the Athenians in the Peloponnesian war.
47. Now Capo Paliuri, the extreme point of the Isthmus of Pallene.
48. The most westerly of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice. Phlegra is
generally understood to have been its former name.
49. Perhaps the same as Nyssa, between the rivers Nestus or Mestus, and
50. Its ruins are now called Pinaka. It was a colony of the Corinthians,
but refounded by Cassander, King Philip having previously destroyed the
51. South-east of Thessalonica, and north of Chalcidice. It was given
by King Philip to the Olynthians.
52. Near Mount Athos.
53. Now Molivo, at the head of the Toronaic Gulf, part of which thence
took its name.
54. The name of a promontory at the extremity of the peninsula of Si-
thonia, in Chalcidice. It seems to correspond with the modern Cape
55. In the district of Chalcidice, on the S.W. of the peninsula of
56. On the east of the peninsula of Sithonia. It gave its name to the
Sinus Singiticus or Singitic Gulf.
57. Now Monte Santo, at the end of the long peninsula running out
from Chalcidice.
58. This is a mistake. It is only forty miles in length. From Lieut.
Smith (Journal of Royal Geogr. Soc. vol. vii. p. 65) we learn that its
average breadth is about four miles; consequently Pliny's statement as to
its circumference must be greatly exaggerated. Juvenal, Sat. x. l. 174,
mentions the story of the canal as a specimen of Greek falsehood; but
distinct traces have survived, to be seen by modern travellers, all the way
from the Gulf of Monte Santo to the Bay of Erso in the Gulf of
Contessa, except about 200 yards in the middle, which has been
filled up.
59. Or Acrothöum. Pliny, with Strabo and Mela, errs in thinking that
it stood on the mountain. It stood on the peninsula only, probably on
the site of the modern Lavra.
60. Or the 'Heaven City,' from its elevated position. It was founded
by Alexarchus, brother of Cassander, king of Macedon.
61. Probably on the west side of the peninsula, south of Thyssus.
62. Or "long-lived."
63. Now Erisso; on the east side of the Isthmus, about a mile and a half
from the canal of Xerxes. There are ruins here of a large mole.
64. A little to the north of the Isthmus now called Stavro. It was the
birth-place of Aristotle the philosopher, commonly called the Stagirite, and was, in consequence, restored by Philip, by whom it had been
destroyed; or, as Pliny says in B. vii. c. 30, by Alexander the Great.
65. The name of the central one of the three peninsulas projecting from
Chalcidice. The poets use the word Sithonius frequently as signifying
66. Possibly not the same as the Heraclea Sintica previously mentioned.
67. Now called Pollina, south of Lake Bolbe, on the road from Thessalonica to Amphipolis.
68. Sacred to Poseidon or Neptune. Now Capo Stavros in Thessaly,
the west front of the Gulf of Pagasa, if indeed this is the place here
69. On the left or eastern bank of the river Strymon, which flowed round
it, whence its name Amphi-polis, "round the city." Its site is now
occupied by a village called Neokhorio, in Turkish Jeni-Keni or "New-
town." A few remains are still to be seen. The bay at the mouth of
the Strymon, now Struma or Kara-Sou, is called the Gulf of Orphano.
70. A Thracian people, extending from the river Strymon on the east
to Crestonica on the west.
71. In Mount Scomius namely, one of the Hæmus or Balkan range.
72. Under Alexander the Great. On his death his empire was torn in
pieces by the contentions of his generals.
73. In allusion to the legendary accounts of the Indian expeditions of
Bacchus and Hercules.
74. On the conquest of Perseus. Plutarch says that these seventy cities
were pillaged in one and the same hour. They were thus punished for
their support of Perseus.
75. Alexander the Great and Paulus Æmilius.